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[转载字幕] [百度][一触即发][Jack.Ryan.Shadow.Recruit.2014.BluRay.中英特效SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 齐迷小龙 2020-7-9 7866501 nonebeing 2023-12-20 08:30
[转载字幕] [百度][堕入地狱][Drag.Me.To.Hell.2009.BluRay.1080p.x264.DTS1-WiKi特效SUP双语字幕] attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 你的未来还有我 2020-7-5 113199682 说一不二 2024-1-6 23:43
[原创字幕] [百度][猩球崛起][Rise of the Planet of the Apes.2011.1080p.BluRay.中英双语SUP特效字幕] 原创 attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 zflzemail 2020-7-3 161201293 hdymly_007 2024-1-14 23:01
[转载字幕] [百度][绿巨人][Hulk.2003.BluRay.中英ASS特效字幕] - [售价 30 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 瑞夕、9月 2020-7-2 8983963 dreamorn 2023-12-28 14:54
[转载字幕] [百度][寻梦环游记][Coco.2017.BluRay.1080p][中英SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 lomjlomjkiu 2020-6-15 120106566 2012mulinsen 2024-1-31 18:35
[转载字幕] [百度][明日边缘][Edge of Tomorrow.2014.1080p.BulRay.中英SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 zflzemail 2020-6-15 123113376 592249 2023-11-4 09:01
[转载字幕] [百度][怪兽大学][Monsters.University.2013.1080P. BulRay.中英SUP特效字幕] - [售价 55 大洋] agree  ...2345 NAIGAI 2020-6-12 4834081 熔模的鱼 2024-4-8 18:01
[转载字幕] [百度][黑客帝国三部曲][The.Matrix.1999-2003.1080p. BulRay.中英SUP特效字幕] - [售价 99 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...23456..20 NAIGAI 2020-6-12 195131415 倾卿奇迹 2024-4-7 17:16
[转载字幕] [百度][天气之子][Weathering.with.You.2019.1080p.BluRay.中日双语(非国配)SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 NAIGAI 2020-6-5 12498781 zicai3698 6 天前
[转载字幕] [百度][边境杀手2:边境战士][Sicario.Day.of.the.Soldado.2018.BluRay.中英特效SUP+ASS特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 你的未来还有我 2020-6-3 10282752 rjl1 2024-4-3 20:54
[转载字幕] [百度][绿皮书][Green.Book.2018.1080p.BluRay][中英SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 lomjlomjkiu 2020-6-3 120108252 alldays520 2023-11-4 17:42
[转载字幕] [百度][洛杉矶之战][Battle.Los.Angeles.2011.BluRay.1080p.中英SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 你的未来还有我 2020-6-3 6746323 hollyforever 2024-2-14 08:52
[转载字幕] [百度][猩球崛起2:黎明之战][Dawn.of.the.Planet.of.the.Apes.2014.BluRay.1080P.中英SUP特效字幕] heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 zflzemail 2020-5-30 8762449 333308345 2024-1-20 08:25
[转载字幕] [百度][红龙][Red.Dragon.2002.BluRay.1080P.中英+简中SUP特效字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 zflzemail 2020-5-29 8257559 老鸟不飞 2024-1-19 03:07
[转载字幕] [百度][权力的游戏S1][Game.of.Thrones.S01.2160p.HDR.BluRay.中英SUP特效字幕] - [阅读权限 10]attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 zflzemail 2020-5-28 129702 并非想象 2023-12-18 16:59
[转载字幕] [百度][超能查派][Chappie.2015.BluRay.1080p.中英/国配特效SUP字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 zflzemail 2020-5-28 8355127 as23717007 2024-1-26 02:49
[转载字幕] [百度][仲夏夜惊魂][Midsommar.2019.1080p.BulRay.中英特效SUP字幕] - [售价 33 大洋] agree  ...234 NAIGAI 2020-5-22 3126247 kelinyu@qq.com 2023-10-9 21:58
[转载字幕] [百度][巴斯特·斯克鲁格斯的歌谣][The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.2018.1080p.BluRay.中英SUP特效字幕] - [售价 33 大洋] heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 NAIGAI 2020-5-22 6858243 txhxhzp 5 天前
[转载字幕] [百度][海上钢琴师.导演剪辑版][The.Legend.of.1900.1998.BluRay.中英特效SUP字幕] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 zflzemail 2020-5-18 165122490 cs892518 2024-4-9 13:30
[转载字幕] [百度][乐高蝙蝠侠大电影][The.LEGO.Batman.Movie.2017.1080p.BluRay.中英特效SUP字幕] - [售价 22 大洋] agree  ...23 NAIGAI 2020-5-18 2512445 少川葵 2024-3-11 11:09
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